how to remove duplicate elements in String in scala


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How to Remove Duplicate Elements in a String in Scala

If you are working with Scala and need to remove duplicate elements from a string, this guide will walk you through the process. By using Scala's built-in methods, we can convert the string into an array, remove duplicates, and print the results. This approach is simple, efficient, and beginner-friendly.

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Step-by-Step Guide

Step 1: Convert String to Array

In Scala, we can convert a string into an array using the toCharArray method. This method splits the string into individual characters and stores them as elements in an array.

Step 2: Remove Duplicate Values

Once we have the array, we can use the distinct method. This method filters out duplicate elements, leaving only unique values.

Step 3: Print the Array Elements

To display the unique characters in the array, we use the foreach loop. This ensures that each element of the array is printed individually.

Here is the complete code:

var ls = "shubham"
var array = ls.toCharArray


The above code will output:


Notice that the duplicate 'h' has been removed from the string.

Key Points to Remember

  1. Understanding Scala Collections: While List, Set, and Map are actual collections in Scala, the Array type is essentially the Scala equivalent of Java native arrays. For example, String[] in Java is analogous to Array[String] in Scala.

  2. Behavior of toString Method: When printing an array directly using toString, it typically displays the object hashcode (depending on the platform). Therefore, using a foreach loop is necessary to print individual elements.

  3. Efficient Handling of Duplicates: The distinct method is an easy and efficient way to remove duplicate elements from an array or collection.


Removing duplicate elements from a string in Scala is straightforward using the toCharArray and distinct methods. By leveraging these built-in methods, you can ensure that your string or array contains only unique elements. Whether you're working on data processing, text manipulation, or other Scala projects, this technique is a valuable addition to your toolkit.

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