What is the difference between flatMap() and map() operations? </A></LI><LI><A target="_blank" href="#"> Write a lambda function in Scala, using map operation, which takes a sequence of salaries as input and outputs double of every element from input. </A></LI><LI><A target="_blank" href="#"> How will you determine whether a function causes a shuffle or not without the help of documentation? </A></LI><LI><A target="_blank" href="#"> What is the difference between Singleton and Companion objects? </A></LI><LI><A target="_blank" href="#"> What happens when we create an instance of a class without the ‘new’ keyword? </A></LI><LI><A target="_blank" href="#"> What are the types of program evaluation in Scala? </A></LI><LI><A target="_blank" href="#"> What do you mean by Literals? What are the different types of Scala literals? </A></LI><LI><A target="_blank" href="#"> What is the difference between var, val and def in Scala? </A></LI><LI><A target="_blank" href="#"> Can a companion object in Scala access the private members of its companion class in Scala? </A></LI><LI><A target="_blank" href="#"> Differentiate Scala’s == And Java’s == Operator? </A></LI><LI><A target="_blank" href="#"> What is pattern matching? </A></LI><LI><A target="_blank" href="#"> What is for-comprehension in Scala? </A></LI><LI><A target="_blank" href="#"> What is Seq in Scala collection? </A></LI><LI><A target="_blank" href="#"> What is a ‘Scala set’? How will you declare immutable set? </A></LI><LI><A target="_blank" href="#"> How does yield work in Scala? </A></LI><LI><A target="_blank" href="#"> What is an anonymous object in Scala? </A></LI><LI><A target="_blank" href="#"> What is ‘Option’ and why it is used in Scala? </A></LI><LI><A target="_blank" href="#"> How apply and unapply methods used in Scala? </A></LI><LI><A target="_blank" href="#"> What Is The difference between call-by-value and call-by-name function parameters? </A></LI><LI><A target="_blank" href="#"> What is the use of Scala's App? </A></LI><LI><A target="_blank" href="#"> What is the Diamond Problem and how Scala solves it? </A></LI><LI><A target="_blank" href="#"> What is Monad in Scala? </A></LI><LI><A target="_blank" href="#"> What is Currying in Scala? What are its advantages? </A></LI><LI><A target="_blank" href="#"> How many types of constructors are used in Scala? </A></LI><LI><A target="_blank" href="#"> When using Scala stream, what are the considerations you must undertake? </A></LI><LI><A target="_blank" href="#"> What Is The Main Reason behind not having “static” keyword like Java in Scala? </A></LI><LI><A target="_blank" href="#"> What is a higher order function in Scala? Give example. </A></LI><LI><A target="_blank" href="#"> What is Scala Trait? </A></LI><LI><A target="_blank" href="#"> What is the difference between Seq and List in Scala? </A></LI><LI><A target="_blank" href="#"> What is a tail-recursive function in Scala