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How to Implement and Demonstrate C Structures with Pointers

If you are learning C programming, understanding how to use structures with pointers is essential. In this article, we will explore how to implement structures in C and demonstrate two common methods for accessing structure members using pointers. Let's dive into the details.

What Are C Structures?

A structure in C is a user-defined data type that allows grouping different types of variables under one name. It is useful for creating complex data types that represent real-world entities. For example, a structure can represent a student, employee, or car.

Accessing Structure Members Using Pointers

There are two ways to retrieve members of a structure using pointers:

  1. Using the dot (.) and asterisk (*) operators:
    • Here, the pointer is dereferenced first, and then the dot operator is used to access the member.
  2. Using the arrow operator (->):
    • This operator combines dereferencing and accessing the member in one step.

Declaring a Structure Pointer

Declaring a structure pointer is similar to declaring a structure variable. You can declare both inside or outside the main() function. To declare a pointer variable in C, use the asterisk (*) symbol before the variable name.

Syntax for Declaring a Structure Pointer:

struct StructureName *pointerName;

Example: Demonstrating C Structures with Pointers

Below is a practical example to demonstrate the use of structures with pointers in C:


struct student {
    int sno, m;
    char sname[20];
    float per;

void main() {
    struct student s1, *p;
    p = &s1; // Assign the address of s1 to the pointer p

    printf("\nEnter student number, marks, and name of the student: ");
    scanf("%d%d%s", &p->sno, &p->m, p->sname); // Using arrow operator to access members

    // Calculate percentage
    p->per = p->m / 3.0;

    printf("\nStudent Details:\n");
    printf("Student Number: %d\nMarks: %d\nName: %s\nPercentage: %.2f%%\n",
           p->sno, p->m, p->sname, p->per);

Explanation of the Example

  1. Structure Definition:

    • A student structure is created with the following members:
      • sno (student number): int
      • m (marks): int
      • sname (student name): char[20]
      • per (percentage): float
  2. Pointer Initialization:

    • A pointer p of type struct student is declared.
    • The address of s1 is assigned to p using p = &s1;.
  3. Input and Output:

    • The user inputs the student's details (number, marks, name) using scanf.
    • The arrow operator (->) is used to access and modify the structure members via the pointer.
    • The percentage is calculated and displayed along with the student's details.

Key Points to Remember

  • The -> operator is shorthand for (*pointer).member and is more commonly used.
  • Always ensure that the pointer is initialized before accessing structure members to avoid undefined behavior.
  • Pointers to structures are efficient for passing data between functions, as they avoid copying the entire structure.


In this example, we created a student structure containing various data elements such as sno (student number), m (marks), sname (name), and per (percentage). The pointer p was used to access and modify these elements efficiently.

Using pointers with structures is a powerful feature in C programming that helps in efficient memory management and data manipulation. Mastering this concept will enhance your ability to write efficient and robust C programs.